11:00 am Worship - Casual Dress 5118 US Hwy 220 Bus. South Asheboro, NC 27205
11:00 am Worship - Casual Dress 5118 US Hwy 220 Bus. South Asheboro, NC 27205
SERMON LINKS: in order of release
Starting to use you tube & make proclamation from home,
despite Covid pandemic (first 7 or 8 videos)
Video # 1 Psalm 46
"Triumphing in Turbulent Times"
(Psalm 46)
Pastor Tim - https://youtu.be/5VcVlW5pmqQ
Video # 2 "The Blessed Hope"
(Titus 2:11-14)
https://youtu.be/T2-10y7iqD0 part 1 of 2
https://youtu.be/T2-10y7iqD0part part 2 of 2
Video # 3
Jesus Heals Diseases --
(Mark 1: 29 - 34 & 40 - 44) & (2: 1 - 12) & (3: 1 - 6, 7)
Video # 4 Prov 20:21
& Selected Scriptures
A Biblical Word on Economics:
Video # 5
(Matt 26: 1-2 ; 23 – 46)
Our Lord’s Times of Travail:
Video # 6
Clinging to the CROSS–
(Mark 15:15 - 26)
Video # 7
Christ’s Burial
(John 19: 31- 42) (ref 1 Cor 15:1-3)
Video # 8
Christ has Risen!
(Mark 16: 1 -11)
RETURN to the
Video # 9
Discoveries from the Empty Tomb
(John 20:1-11) (Julia sings)
Video # 10
(John 20:11-18)
“Benefits of Lingering” (Tony sings)
(Mary Mag. Encounters the Risen Christ)
Video # 11
(Luke 24: 13 -35) & (36-44)
Removing Despair & Regaining Hope
Video # 12
(John 20:24-31)
Deflating Doubts
Video # 13
(Luke 8:1-)
From Vice to Victory -
The Mary Magalene Story
Video #14
(John 20:30-31)
The Value of Faith
Video #15
Resurrection Realities & the New Normal- https://youtu.be/mW9SMskgMOE
Video #16
Certainties for Uncertain Times Acts 1:3 & Luke 24:45-49 https://youtu.be/eXvNns0EtSo
Video #17
Christ Returns to Heaven (Ascension) Luke 24: 49 https://youtu.be/D1KAGt4mKPU
Video #18
Our Great High Priest: Jesus Christ
Video #19
Peter the Man: Trials & Triumphs
Video #20
The Next Step in God's Plan –
Gleanings from Pentecost ( Acts 2: 1 - 14 )
Video #21
Rapture: (part One) A Biblical Concept
( 1 Thess 4) & ( 1 Cor 15)
Video #22
Rapture (part 2) the Purpose of the Rapture
( 1 Thess & 2 Thess)
Video #23
Rapture (part 3) Concept of it
"Mystery Revealed" 1Thess 4 & 1 Cor 15
Video #24
RAPTURE (#4) Characteristics of it
Being informed: Contrast An Expected or Unexpected Event
but first, an Editorial Preview:
Please note the distinction between
the Rapture of the Church &
the Return of Christ
* With the Rapture of the Church, the church moves from Earth to Heaven.. This Event can take place suddenly, without 'warning' - it is imminent (meaning it could happen any moment). So, it has an unexpected Element to it.
* With the Return of the Christ, Christ moves from Heaven to Earth.
(He also brings the church saints from Heaven with Him- since believers have been previously Raptured (moved into Heaven from Earth) (Rev 19:14 v7&8)
The Return of Christ has signs to indicate its Fulfillment. it's an event that will be expected (within a certain time frame- namely, the closing of the Seven Year Tribulation Period.)
So, at the Return of Christ, the Church (saved people) exit Heaven with Christ to accompany His Return to Earth.
Church saints walk with Christ (wearing) white (Rev 3:4)
Clothed in White (Rev 19:14 saints follow the Lord from Heaven. The readiness of saints (Rev19:7d) 'has been granted (by the Lord) to be arrayed/clothed in fine lined. clean, bright/white (Rev 19:8). This describes saints (v8) & the wife /Bride of Christ (v7).
PS saints ride on White horses, -(Angels don't need horses) Rev 19:14
(The world wide Tribulation Period separates these two unique Events). It last Seven Years- after the Rapture & before the Glorious Return of Christ.
More in these sermon series-
Video #25
BEMA part 1: (2 Cor 5:10)
Christ Evaluates the Christian’s Service
(Church saints are in Heaven for this Event. Our time/work/service on Earth are concluded, at this point. So, we are evaluated for the Quality of our service & any impact we made on Earth for Christ)
Video #26
Marriage SUPPER of the Lamb
(the Reception after the Ceremony) Scripture Ref: Rev19 & Jn 14 https://youtu.be/q5bc8J6vIYE
Video #27
(Rev 6:1-2) Rev 13 & 2Thess 2 https://youtu.be/SJRiJbvivmU
Video #28
(Rev 6 -18) (Dan 9:24-27) https://youtu.be/ScOmh_vJbvQ
Video #29
(Rev 16) & (2nd Peter 3:9) https://youtu.be/pkgdwizj3Xo
Video #30
The Victorious Return of Christ
(Rev 19:11-21) (Zech 12: 1-4,8 & 14:1-4) 2nd Peter 3:9 ff https://youtu.be/YDO5tPu1hjY
Video #31
Great White Throne - Final Judgment
all who die in unbelief will be raised to face Judgement https://youtu.be/23pEBkWe2RA